Advocating for the American Dream since 1991.
We provide legal representation to clients seeking work permit, green card, citizenship, asylum and we also defend clients charged with deportation and/or removal from the United States.
About Us
Ogolo & Associates has been aiding the immigrant community since January 1991. We are located in the heart of Washington, DC and we specialize in Immigration law and Criminal defense. Over the years, we have represented numerous clients for adjustment of status before the United States Citizenship and Immigration services, Immigration Court, Administrative Appeals Unite and the Board of Immigration Appeals.
Our Services
- Husband/ Wife
- Parents/ Children
- Siblings
- EB-1
- EB-2
- EB-3
- Direct Investment
- Investment through Regional Entities
The EB-3 immigrant visa allows certain professional workers, skilled workers and unskilled workers to obtain U.S. Green Card or permanent resident status in the United States.
Ogolo & Associates can help applicants process their DACA applications, to find out it you qualify or haw to qualify
The EB-3 immigrant visa allows certain professional workers, skilled workers and unskilled workers to obtain U.S. Green Card or permanent resident status in the United States. The EB-3 visa allows your spouse and unmarried children (under 21 years of age) to accompany you and also obtain green card or permanent resident status.
Ogolo & Associates can help applicants process their DACA applications, to find out it you qualify or how to qualify, contact our office by email or phone.
Stay Informed
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Area of Practice
We provide legal representation to clients seeking work permit, green card, citizenship, asylum and we also defend clients charged with deportation and/or removal from the United States
We defend clients charged with criminal offenses in the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland in drunk driving and related charges. We also defend clients charged with