These are sample questions you will be asked at an interview for green card or adjustment of status based on marriage to a United States Citizen .
1. What is your name?
2. What is your date and country of birth
3. What is your spouse’s full name?
4. How many cars do you have that you both regularly use?
5. Are you presently living with your spouse?
6. Do you live in an apartment, townhouse or single family house?
7. How many bedrooms does your house have?
8. Are the bedrooms carpeted?
9. Do you have pets?
10. What is the last vacation you and your spouse took together?
11. Where’s the last place you and your spouse went out?
12. Who proposed to whom? Describe the proposal?
13. Where did that happen and what date?
14. When did you officially get married?
15. When did you and your spouse first move in together?
16. Did you already have the house or did your spouse, or did you get a new place together?
17. What did you two do for New Year’s Eve?
18. Do you remember where you went?
19. Did you stay up until midnight?
20. If you ordered food, do you remember what you ordered?
21. Did the kids stay up until midnight?
22. Who does most of the cooking around the house, and what do they make most often?
23. What did you do for Thanksgiving?
24. How many people live inside the entire house?
25. Who are the other people?
26. How many are in your room?
27. Who are those people?
28. Do you know her/his sister(s) and brother(s)?
29. Do you know her/his mother, father? What are their names?
30. What did you do for Christmas?
31. Did you go over to anyone’s house on Christmas?
32. What did you do for Valentine’s day?
33. Who was present at the wedding?
34. What did you do after the wedding ceremony?
35. Do you remember what you had to eat on the day of your wedding?
36. What, if any, movies or TV shows have you and your spouse watched together recently?
37. Who does the dishes in the house?
38. Do you have a dishwasher?
39. Who usually takes out the trash?
40. Have you or your spouse ever gone swimming together?
41. How and when did you two meet?
42. What pet names do you call each other:
43. Describe your first date?
44. How did you get the furniture in your home? Was it already there, or did you have it delivered new, or come from a previous resident?
45. Have you bought any additional furnitures since you moved in?
46. Who is your 864 sponsor? How do you know them?
47. Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?
48. Do you two play board game?
49. Does your home have a landline phone? Are you on the same cell phone plan?
50. How does the shower schedule work in the home? Who showers in the morning and who showers in the evening?
51. What did you two have for dinner last night?
52. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
53. Describe your sleep schedules. What time does your wife normally go to sleep and wake up?
54. What time did you leave the house this morning?
55. Did you come here together?
56. Who drove you this morning?
57. Do you have a regular bed or futon, or air mattress, or waterbed?
58. What size of bed?
59. Does the bed have a headboard?
60. Do you and your spouse attend regular religious service? If so, where?
61. When was the last time you went to a movie together?
62. Do you remember what movie you saw?
63. When was the last time you and your spouse together went to buy groceries?
64. What grocery store?
65. Is your spouse working currently?
66. Is your wife the beneficiary on your life insurance?
67. When did you get the life insurance?
68. Does your spouse work in the evening?
69. What is your spouse’s work schedule?
70. What time did your spouse return home in the morning?
71. What time did your spouse return home regularly last week?
72. Do you have a refrigerator in the kitchen?
73. What color is it?
74. Does it have a freezer?
75. Is the freezer on top or bottom?
76. As you open the fridge, does it open to the left or to the right?
77. As you enter your house or apartment, what do you see ahead of you?
78. As you enter your apartment, what is on your right-hand side or left-hand side?
79. How many widows are there in your bedroom?
80. In the bedroom, is the bed located in the middle?
81. As you lay on the bed, is your head towards or away from the window?
82. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
83. Who sleeps on the left side of the bed?
84. As you approach your home, what is the next crossing street before your house?
85. Do you have separate bank accounts?
86. Do you have joint accounts?
87. Are your employment checks deposited directly into your joint account?
88. Who pays the bills in the household?
89. Who writes the check for rent or mortgage?
90. When you arrive at your work, who is the first person you call?